Wednesday, August 10, 2022 / by Bob Cowan
Before making an offer, visit the house
Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty Bob Cowan |
Initially, it might seem strange to consider purchasing a home without first scheduling a tour to see it in person. But when it comes down to it, there are a few different circumstances in which submitting an offer on a house you haven't viewed can make sense. For example: when bidding wars is red-hot in the real estate market, or the house is your dream home and you really want it secured.
Despite the fact that there are many good reasons to forego a tour, doing so will leave you a possibility of a house full of problems.
Reasons to Participate in the Tour
The ability to inquire about aspects of a home that might not be mentioned in its web profile is one of the most obvious benefits of doing a home tour. Other signs of previous damage are simple to overlook if you can't see them in person, and signs of leaks or water damage might not be highlighted in images. You can learn if repairs have been completed or if there are any further surprises for you after the purchase by recognizing them during a tour.
But that's not the only reason you should take a tour by yourself. You can get a better sense of how a house will genuinely fit in with your lifestyle and personal preferences by taking a tour of the property. It can assist you in locating all the small details in the property that the images could have missed, as well as those areas of the house that you'll likely want to have renovated or removed. Before making an offer, take a tour of the property to get a better understanding of the amount of work that will be required to transform it into your ideal home.
Virtual live tour or Virtual 3D tour
When you are unable to attend the tour in person, you have a few options. The virtual tour, which can be prerecorded or live depending on who is listing the home, is a choice that is becoming more and more popular. When available, live virtual tours are a much better alternative because they allow you to interact with the realtor (and occasionally even the sellers) while they show you around the house and address any queries you may have in real time.
Author: | Your Home Sold Guaranteed Realty |
Home buying process | House tour |
House inspection | San Clemente |