Monday, August 2, 2021 / by Bob Cowan
Homeward Bound Newsletter - August 2021 | Bob Cowan
You do not have to be a weather person to predict the weather this time of year. We all know… it is the hottest time of the year. But that is not all that’s hot. The economy is red hot too. By all measures the best economy in 20 years or so.
This is GOOD for most reading this, but there will be some exceptions. There always are. An example could be someone will sell a house and make out great, meaning a buyer pays a bit more than they would have not too long ago. And in some areas, the opposite happens. Seller does not make out that great, but the buyer does.
Most homeowners who do NOT have to sell of course know this and will hold back on buying or selling. That will of course impact supply and demand. Results right now? RED HOT opportunities!
(see inside for details)
How does this impact you? Well, it is a HOT time to ...